Atrapar a mewtwo con una ultraball
Atrapar a mewtwo con una ultraball

atrapar a mewtwo con una ultraball

I did get the pokeball plus with Mew but I'd definatly say while it added to the experince it isn't worth $50 if you can somehow get it for $20 or $30 it is more of a value. Also if you play pokemon with competive multiplayer in mind this definatly isn't the game for you and should probably wait for gen 8 instead of geting this. What is I find the bigest problem is the same problem is the same problem I have with gens 6&7 trainers need more pokemon and at higher levels I didn't find this a problem if I avoided uesing the chain catchng tecnique to get rare and better IV&EV pokemon to apear but when I did I very quickly found myself overleveled to the point of KOing Brock's Onix with my Pikachu as he was level 16 and all because I wanted a Bulbasuar. Ablities and Held Items I didn't miss at all as it was this game that made me realize how little I actualy use those outside of PvP battles and how anyoing they can be on some NPC trainer pokemon aka you can now ues a physial attack a electric pokemon without the fear of static paralyzing your pokemon! The Go mechanica dont bother me but like i said before Id rather weaken the pokemon before throwing the ball. I expected to be frustrated with the lack of wild battles, ablities, and held items instead I found I only slightly missed wild battles more so for the better control over the catch rate vs the actual wild entcounters themselves as I think back to the old games and comsider the fact I ran from everyting I didn't want to catch. I missed dungons like The Rocket Base and Seafoam Islands for 2 gens now so I was happy to have them back even if the encouters were easier than the gen 1 or 3 versions of Kanto. As someome who plays pokemon mainly for the single player content I had more fun here than I did in gen 7 and its many tutorials and 1 pokemon for 80% of trainers.

atrapar a mewtwo con una ultraball

I missed dungons like The Rocket Base and Seafoam Islands for 2 gens now so I was happy to have them back even if the encouters I was surprised at how much I actualy enjoyed this game as going in I expected to be dissaponted. I was surprised at how much I actualy enjoyed this game as going in I expected to be dissaponted.

Atrapar a mewtwo con una ultraball